well both the characters are similar as Pandit Gangadhar
Shastri (shaktiman's alter ego) characteristics are same as clark kent(superman's alter ego).Pandit Gangadhar Shastri works in a newspaper as a photographer and is afraid of fighting and always keeps a distance from violence and like superman Shaktimaan is superhumanly strong, has the ability to fly, and is invulnerable to injury

Shaktimaan is not a copy of superman may be the concepts and 2 ideas are similar. who ever said this is a freak'n' moron who is'nt matured enough to understand the unravelled mystries abt Indian Yogik Powers. whoever posted this is a dopd lolz maan. They forget that the concept of superman flying came from Indian LORD HANUMAAN. The only difference is they made it to look more natural with good flying techniques which the real Hanumaan introduced before common era. CHRONICLES OF NARNIA IS COPY OF RAMAYAN. ALMOST EACH AND EVERY CHARACTERS ARE EXACTLY SKETCHED LIKE THE RAMAYAN CHARACTERS. Morons!Grow up freaks!
Yeah....all the great things in the world come from India, don't they?
Blind patriotic idiot, go to school.
u stupids. why do u keep on saying every foreign stuff originated from india. u r saying narnia originated from ramayan. great joke of the year. what resemblance did u find between them.who would go against the fact that superman-shaktimaan,clark-gangadar,lois lane-geetha copy paste stuffs. oh yeah!they copied superman from hanumaan.u think there were no flying characters in foreign epics.u forget your general knowledge in hohouring this stupid country!
Mr.Blue- U bloody fuck off u r mouth...U bloody fuckersssssss always copy the idea frm india.U stolen lots of thing frm us...bt as we r having big hurt we give it as BEggars part...shut u r bloody mouth
What a joke!
its all fiction, stop fighting over fiction.got no better things?
Shaktimaan is better than superman in all respects.
There're alwys s0me m0r0ns who,wdout havin' proper knwldge base, keep on shittin' over one or the other's c0untry...
This Mr. Blue is one...who da fuck gave u da ryt to call a nati0n stupid?? India was c0nducting nuke warfare whn you were in caves chewing b0nes..take a luk at Mahavarata,Vaimanikashastram,Puranas etc. etc. All the m0dern techn0logy,to a great extent is merely a re-invention of a lost past..
I dnt deny dt da c0ncepts of shaktimaan nd superman show similarity,,but,,they ARE NOT COPIES. Superman is an alien,he dsn't derive his power fr0m the kundalini chakras,he dsn't fight a Universal Lord of Darkness.. He wasn't raised my an Order of Warrior monks. The differences are MUCH MUCH M0RE THAN THE similarities. So quit shittin'
final verdict every foreign epic is a copy from indian ancient epics..and every relic has been stolen from india :)
so india is mastermind. others copycats :P
Shaktiman is inspired by Superman.. as said by Mukesh Khanna himself. Copy? Not really, they had there own storylines. All superheroes have alter ego & all that.. that's normal.
Shaktimaan is a complete copy of Superman
Shaktiman -> Superman
Gangadhar -> Clark kent
Geeta vishwas -> Lois Lane
Kilvish -> Darkseid
Dr Jackal -> Lex Luthor
Most episodes were also copied from superman mpvies & Tv episodes
Woah... Was looking for enlightenment. Ended up realising that some people have stupid notions about the origin of Superman and even Narnia. Either they have wrong information or are really prejudiced. Or that they have too much knowledge on the Hindu myths and least on things outside its axis. And whoever thinks Ramayana is the origin of Narnia needs to know what type of themes does CS Lewis deals with. True, Shaktiman has also its own genesis and source of power but one cant deny it's parallel story line with that of Superman. To be noted that Shaktiman is a more recent creation. That is enough to give evidence that Shaktiman was inspired by the presence of Superman in the West.
U and Ur fucking logic.....If Shaktimaan can be a copy paste of Superman coz he has super strenght, ability to fly.....That means Spiderman is also copy paste of Superman coz Spidey also works as a photographer.....Thor is also copy paste of Superman coz Thor can also fly..... Hulk is also copy paste of Superman coz he has superman strength like Superman.....U motherfuck just shut the fuck up..
shaktimaan has a lot of similarities but still is better in everyway from superman
1. Better storyline
2. Better powers
3. Better alter ego
4. more realistic unlike a fucking alien
Shaktimaan was the only super-hero in the entire world who teaches the rightiousness to his fans. he teaches not to lie,not to get addicted to drugs, to respect elders, Never hurt anyone, always help others,never steal,be independant. tell me is there any super-hero in this world who does this????
Seems lyk u wud also wnt to compare tamraj kilwish with lux luther....lol
Shaktimaan is not only copy of superman but also of x men, you forgot cerebro, toad, rogue, mystique, jean grey and cyclops, ohhh I forgot paap mani was copied from kryptonite, now don't tell me kryptonite was in ramayana
Shaktiman- Supuerman
Gangadhar - Clarke kent
Geeta Viswas - Louis Lane
Kilvish - Darkseid
Dr Jackal - Lex Luthor
Aaj ki awaz - Daily Planet
Paapmani - Kryptonite
Both of them are orphan, their parents died by saving their child.
Then both of them are adopted.
Superman - Jonathan and Martha Kent.
Shaktiman - Vidyadhar Shastri (cant remember the mother' name)
Both of their adoptive father died.
Jonathan kent died by heart attack.
Vidyadhar Shastri was killed by tamraj kilvish's evils.
even Gol gol.ghumna is the copy of mask animated series.
Motherfucker Your So called Lords and Their avatars are copied from Marvel and DC ...
And u know Thor has just beaten the shit Outta your so called Lord Shiva ....Read Thor₹301
Wow! amazing post.. Thanks for sharing!
Shaktimaan Characters Real Names with Photographs
Well thanks for posting such an outstanding idea..
Shaktimaan Serial Cast, Story, Video, Reviews and More
He is a copy of superman The TV both gets weak in front of a stone they have similar jobs
Similar style girlfriends villans are same
😂😂😂 superman was created by some school boys and they sell this character those boyes never know who hanuman is and if you think so how is that
Joke of the year
Shut up motherfucker our lord's are not fake yeah but I totally agree and I also know that shaktimaan is a copy of Superman
I am a huge fan of marvel and dc
But listen you motherfucker marvel showed our lord shiva wrong in thor comic shiva can beat thor in every way because he is almighty God he has every power not specifical power like thor is god of thunder. Lord shiva holds every power and if you say something to our god's you will get fucked up. And your Jesus was a human and bastard.
You mad Super Man is the copy paste of Shaktimaan,Justice league is damb.Raj comics has won Vanderbilt Mataram log live India
Super Man is a big Under wear wala on his pant, If Shaktimaan kicks his butt,Super Man's butt he will take rest for centuries
There is no need to abuse God. Someone used abusive language and profanity against God !!! Stop committing blasphemy against God Almighty !!! You can go to HELL for that !!! Such kind of misbehaviour HAS NO PLACE in civilized society. So, Please, please, PLEASE DO NOT BRING RELIGION and mix it with superhero comics. Thank you.
Shaktimaan is inspired by superman and copied by hanuman. So there is no need to fight. And about studying, here doesn’t make any sense so no need to add those words. Shaktimaan is from earth, Superman is an alien. Even marvel had copied superman and made Hyperion, Gladiator, Sentry, etc. 👍👍
Paap mani was made from darkness and you fuckers remember that darkness is before every thing.
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